Bare with me everyone, I know a lot has been changing off and on around here. I guess I just have this vision of what I want the site to look like, so I keep changing my mind. I knew that I wanted for animation, and I'm pretty happy with what I got. The links on the info page won't work until tomorrow, I didn't have time to get those finished, and I accidently published the website a little early.
Oh! Let me know what you think of the new name. Color me Happy came to me because my favorite movie is Pretty Woman and there is a line when she says "Color me Happy" and for some reason, it makes me think of photography also. I would keep Danielle Padget Photography around, but it's long, and people have a hard time saying and spelling my name...and that's gets frusterating.
I was really bored tonight, and it's been a long time since I've taken pictures, so I got my camera out and tested some new learning points from school. I am getting really good at exposure and there is sooooooo much that makes sense now. So far I think exposure and lighting conditions are the hardest thing to learn and understand. But suddenly it just seems to make sense, it still takes a lot of trial and error for me to get the right setting, but usually doesn't take as long, and now I actually know what I'm doing...before it was just...ok, let's try this...if it looks good I'll stick with it. Anyway, I got this picture of my cat April, that just cracks me up because I think she looks like she's smiling. And then I added another that I actually really like! Enjoy!