Sunday, July 1, 2007

Welcome July!

Whew, and it's getting hot! I would like to say Happy Birthday to my cousin and friend Heidi!! I miss her. I don't have many pictures to show, but I will later this evening and tomorrow. But I did want to say you may have seen some changes in the site recently and I've added my new logo for Color Me Happy, I love it. I spent many hours designing all kinds of different logos and asked for opinions and we all agreed at this being the logo.

You may see both logos around the place. They are used for different things but both are pretty similar. I guess I do have just one picture to show you also. Yesterday we celebrated my husbands 23rd birthday, I even made everyone wear silly hats. Here's Josh blowing out the candles.

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About Me

How much can I actually say about myself? I obviously like photography a whole lot. It's not about making money, it's about looking at a picture I've taken and getting the warm and fuzzies from it. It's all about "the shot" not about "the shoot". But I don't have to tell you about how much I love photography. If you want to know about me, then you just need to know that I'm a pretty happy person. I have a loving/beautiful husband and a bouncy baby boy. I have 2 kitties that have been put on the back burner since our son was born, but I still love like they are my children. I live in Iowa, always have and probably always will..but I strive to see more of the world and of course take photos. There really isnt much else to tell'll probably discover it all by reading my blogs.