Hey All, Yeah so it's been a while, with the holidays and going back to work I haven't been quite as busy. Plus, wow...it's cold here and I don't feel like making clients freeze their heiny's off outside, plus quite frankily I'd have to charge a whole lot more. But, I can still shoot indoors, we just have to do it in your home...wish I had the studio space, but all in good time. Anywho, I do have a reason for this post other than me babbling, we were finally able to get a family shot, notice the singular..cuz only 1 shot actually turned out, but I turned one black and white to make it appear like a different shot, I was able to get a nice shot of Daddy and Landen together...we'll shoot another time soon, cuz I still want one in front of our fireplace with all the Christmas decor. Yay Landen is 3 months, oh goodness where has the time gone!

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