Wow, I have been busy. No excuse though...I haven't posted on here since April!! And it is now November. In my defense I took a break from photography for most of the year...well booking gigs anyway, I couldn't keep from taking pictures though, I just never found the time to post them. As you all know, I *was* pregnant. On August 25th we had our baby boy and his name is Landen. Landen is now a wiggly 2.5 month old and is a hoot! Just this morning we were snuggling together and taking a little nap, and when I woke up I thought...oh boy he's gonna be mad it has been like 7 hours since he last ate, and then I looked down at him he stuck his bottum lip out as if he was going to begin crying, but then just smiled ear to ear......that's how goofy Mr.Landen is. I'm sure you'll see many many many more pics, but I'll add some that I've taken in the last 2.5 months of his life, including a pic of how large my belly got and how miserable I looked.
How much can I actually say about myself? I obviously like photography a whole lot. It's not about making money, it's about looking at a picture I've taken and getting the warm and fuzzies from it. It's all about "the shot" not about "the shoot". But I don't have to tell you about how much I love photography. If you want to know about me, then you just need to know that I'm a pretty happy person. I have a loving/beautiful husband and a bouncy baby boy. I have 2 kitties that have been put on the back burner since our son was born, but I still love like they are my children. I live in Iowa, always have and probably always will..but I strive to see more of the world and of course take photos. There really isnt much else to tell'll probably discover it all by reading my blogs.
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